Western Devision 2019 Christmas Benefit Concert

On Saturday, November 28th, 2019, at the East Christian Reformed Church in Strathroy, Ontario, the Strathroy Vocal Federation hosted the annual Western Division Christmas Benefit Concert. It was well attended and after the concert, the Federation was able to hand over to the Salvation Army of Strathroy, a sum of cash that was in the neighborhood of $2200, the highest amount received for any other benefit concert in the past. The poster on the left gives you a list of the performances that were enjoyed and a few pictures taken at the concert can be viewed below. Forest City Fire and the Sarnia Bluewater Chordsmen unfortunately, where unable to attend, but the remaining three choruses and various quartets where able to step up their performances and fill in the extra time needed.
Our Chapter's Christmas 2019 Dinner/Awards Night
Following the concert, we headed over to the All Saints Catholic Church Hall in Strathroy for our annual Christmas Dinner/Awards Night. We enjoyed a marvelous, turkey dinner put on by the church's Ladies Auxiliary and then proceeded with our annual awards presentations.

Since he joined the Strathroy Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, Paul Stuckless has proved himself to be a valuable asset to the Chapter, and in recognition of this, John Gough presented him with the Barbershopper of the Year Award, which is given to any member who has demonstrated a high standard of barbershopping and service in the past year. Paul received the same award in 2015.
But the awards to Paul were not finished yet. Every year, the chapter presents a "Membership Achievement Award" to the member who achieves the most for the Chapter in the fiscal year, and the president of the Chapter, Larry Driessens, presented this award to Paul as well. Unfortunately, a photo of this presentation is not available.
But the awards to Paul were not finished yet. Every year, the chapter presents a "Membership Achievement Award" to the member who achieves the most for the Chapter in the fiscal year, and the president of the Chapter, Larry Driessens, presented this award to Paul as well. Unfortunately, a photo of this presentation is not available.

The "Hall Of Fame Award" is an award that is presented to any Chapter member to recognize his or her consistent, non-monetary, outstanding contribution to the ongoing success of the Chapter and/or the Society at large. The award is only presented to a member when warranted and this year, the Chapter President, Mr. Larry Driessens, was nominated as being very worthy of receiving it, and he is seen here being presented the award by his nominees, Vicky Timmons and John Gough.

John Gough receives from Larry Driessens, the annual compensation for his excellent work as the Chapter Chorus Director.

Paul Stuckless also receives from Larry Driessens, his annual compensation for his excellent work as the Assistant, Chapter Chorus Director.

Larry Driessens presented Gail Wiersema her compensation for auditing the Chapter books, a task she has performed for the Chapter for many a previous year. Thankyou gail.